ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

4D Autolinking Dialog

Used to automate the linking of components from the Component tree and User Defined tree to schedule activities. Through linking, you can define separate rules for any attributes that you want to link to the schedule. For example, you can create a rule that links the data by a certain activity description (such as Structural) and be able to see that construction process visually without all the other components included. Then once the components are linked to the schedule, you can playback the schedule.

Opens when Schedule > Autolink is selected from the ConstructSim menu.

Rule Name

Lists the names of the rules.

Link From

Displays from where the link originated; component or user defined.

Match Type

Displays the type of match.

2 > 1

Uses the attributes from nodes in the Schedule dialog to perform a substring match to the attributes in the Link From window nodes. This means that the text formed from the attributes in the Schedule dialog, if found in the text formed from the Linked From window nodes, the match is accepted and linked.

1 > 2

Uses the attributes from nodes in the Link From window to perform a substring match to the attributes in the Schedule dialog nodes. This means that the text formed from the attributes in the Linked From window, if found in the text formed from the Schedule dialog nodes, the match is accepted and linked.


If the text formed from the attributes in the Schedule dialog matches the text formed from the Linked From window nodes exactly, then the match is accepted and linked.

Last Run

Indicates when the autolinking was last run.

Delete all the existing links before running a rule

Removes all of the links to nodes in the Schedule dialog before linking the newly found matching nodes from the Link From tree.


Opens the Matching Rule Setup dialog, which is used to create a new rule.


Opens the Matching Rule Setup dialog to allow you to edit the selected rule.


Runs all of the selected rules in the list. At the end of the run, a message in the lower right corner of the dialog notifies you of the results of the run, for example, if no matching nodes were found, the dialog shows “No links found.”


Deletes the selected rule.

Clear Links

Deletes all existing links.


Closes the dialog.